David Kilgour's 11th solo album, Bobbie's a girl is a quieter affair thanfans may associate with the pioneer of New Zealand indie rock."I tended to shy away from too much guitar playing for a point ofdifference and to mix things up for myself a little," Kilgour continues.The style set in at the beginning of sessions, as he and the HeavyEights (i.e., longtime collaborators Thomas Bell, Tony de Raad, andTaane Tokona) headed to Port Chalmers Recording Services withproducer Tex Houston. "We have worked on these songs for a numberof years now, so that's different because I usually can't wait to getthem out," Kilgour says. Why the delay? Like with the themes of thealbum, Kilgour doesn't want to elaborate too much. "Everything'srelated to the music and mood," he says, "but I'd rather not say how. Ilike a little mystery."
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