Three Chords and a Sword is a collection of eight cover songsrecorded by rock/experimental musician Alan Licht over a spanof three decades. Re-imagining both Van Halen's "Jump" andSonic Youth's "Tom Violence" from the perspective of American Primitive guitar soli, employing a chord organ to twistPere Ubu's "Heart of Darkness" and Fred Neil's "Everybody'sTalkin'" into eerie, doom-laden ballads, conjuring the soundof New York's Suicide with little more than a microphone andpatch cord, each song emerges transformed. Even the rarelyheard Bob Dylan spoken word piece "Last Thoughts on WoodyGuthrie" is markedly different from the original as heard inLicht's voice. Licht's interpretations echo from a childhoodencounter with a Larry Rivers pop art painting drawn from acoloring book of Japanese art, which inspired the album cover.As Licht explains in the liner notes: "Seeing Rivers copy thecopy, which was the outline of the original Japanese painting,and then make his own painting is probably what planted theseed of the approach to covers that I'm taking here; using thebare bones of a song but filling in the details in my own way,and then recording my own version. For this release, I tookthe image from the original coloring book, and asked RobertBeatty to color it in, instead of Rivers_kind of a cover version of Rivers' cover version of Kuniyoshi, as invited by the concept of a coloring book to begin with."Gatefold, limited CD features songs by the above-mentionedartists plus the Stooges and Will Oldham, plus an insert witha text-based version of Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting In A Room"generated by artificial intelligence.
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